Software and WEB Developer

Deni Begaj

Well who am I ?


My name is Deni Begaj, I come from Albania, a small country in the western Balkans. I have finished Business Informatics bachelor studies, and I am currently pursuing my Master Degree in Saarbrucken, Germany for Computer Science (Software Engineering). I work in the market of softwares and web-apps for 4 years now and I possess experience in different areas of the field. My main experiences rely on web technologies like ASP.Net C#, NodeJs, AngularJs, vanillaJS, jQuery & Bootstrap, Ionic & Cordova etc. but also have broad experience in databases like SQL Server, Postgre SQL, MySql, MongoDb, Firestore, Redis Cache. My experience also involves Java, C++, Python, not expert level though. During my years I have worked for many different projects ranging from public websites, postal systems, institutional ERP & CRM system, Bus Transportation system, mobile apps for Android/iOS, chats, notifications, storage systems etc. I am very passionate about my field of work and study and I devote most of my day working and evolving with the new trends that come up everyday. I am currently living, working and studying in Saarbruecken, so feel free to contact me for projects or collaborations in the near future.

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My previous experiences have shown that I use creative thinking for solving real life problems.


I work hard to provide quality and error-prone work for my clients.


I work to build scalable solutions and I use best-practices solutions everyday.


I am very communicative inside my workspace, and I talk a lot with people in order to understand their ideas.


I work very well in groups. For me is very importnat to help people in order for us to grow together as a team.


I currently work from 4 years in the field of software technologies and will help build scalable/secure solutions.


Being on line with the new technology trends is not easy nowdays. Being hands-on with the latest tech on the market, I can help temas select the right tools for their development.


One of the best properties I possess, is being a fast-learner and adapting fast with the new emerging technologies.






Projects Done


Bugs Solved


Amazing developer, he really cares about getting things done. Great communication! For sure we will continue working together, highly recommended! Thanks!

James Gatwick

Seo Consultant

Lo recomiendo, un buen servicio, muy buena atenciĆ³n, es todo un profesional, fue muy grato trabajar con el. Las cosas resultaron mejor de lo que esperaba.

Zacal Meyda

Jampar Multiplest

Great developer and team leader! Always ready to help and will find great solution out of the box! Very pleased to have worked with him!

Basil Cabrera

ASP.Net Developer


  • Education

  • 2015-1018

    Bachelor Degree

    Faculty of Economy, University of Tirana

    Business Informatics is quite a broad field and its definition is given as a mix between informatics and business science. I would say it focuses on information technology with respect to business questions.

  • 2018-2020

    Masters Degree

    University of Saarland

    The Department of Computer Science at Saarland University is an internationally established centre for informatics research. The department is one of the most highly ranked academic departments in Germany and is one of the leading global addresses for research in computer science.

  • Experience

  • 2015-2018

    Web Developer

    Helius Systems

    Working at Helius Systems was the first real life work experience I have ever had. I learned most of the things I know today, and am grateful to those people for working together with me to grow and evolve in my working background.

  • 2018-Ongoing

    Software Developer


    Working as a freelancer for 1 year now, has helped me get out of my comfort zone and experiment with new technologies, and achieve new milestones never thought before.

My Hobbies



New Technologies




My Skills







ASP.Net C#


Sql Server/Postgre Sql




My Services

I provide high quality services in Software development. Services I provide are listed below. Hope you will like them.

Node Js

Experience of 2 years in NodeJs services including Express backend, 3rd party APIs, long running scripts.


Several projects using ASP.Net framework for building fullstack websites.


Apart from backend experience, I develop frontend from ground 0 using the best technology (IMO) out there. Angular is one of my favorite frontend frameworks.

Sql Services

I possess plenty of experience in enterprise SQL databases like Sql Server, MySql, PostgreSQL.


Using Mongo was my first contact with the NoSql world. Now, I work happily from 2 years with MongoDb.

Google APIs

I have used many of these services including Maps, Geolocation, Cloud Messaging, Firestore, OAuth and many others.

Machine Learnig

My Master Degree studies in Germany helped me collaborate in several ML researches using CNN, RNN, DNN and many other techinques.

Coding Enthusiast

I have plenty of experience in other programming languages like C++, Java and Python.

Working with me

I try to work close with my clients to deliver the desired product in time, with all the working features. Although one project differs considerably from another, I have selected some ground prices for new clients to have an idea where to start.

Work Process



After I receive the specifications I will create some software sketches, and present them to the client. This phase takes normally 2 weeks. After every detail is discussed and the idea is clear, I move over to the next phase.



Here I start creating and writting the real core of the application. I start by creating frontend capable of routing, passing parameters and making API requests. Than I pass to the backend part where I start making the first routes available. Every step is followed by unit tests. This phase takes up to 8 weeks, depending on the software feature quantity and complexity.



After the development has reached a pilot phase, I start preparing the staging and online environment. I deploy the app in servers using the powerful/cost efficient platforms like Digital Ocean/AWS. I make sure that the staging server is connected to my development environment so I can manage code using the CI/CD pipeline for automated deploy to the server. This phase takes normally not more than 1 week.



This is an important phase of the project since we test with alpha users (in house) and beta user (real-life users). In this phase we get feedback from users on design or functional flaws that I correct on time before the live version. This phase takes actually 1-3 weeks, again depending on the project complexity.


Amazing developer, he really cares about getting things done. Great communication! For sure we will continue working together, highly recommended! Thanks!

James Gatwick

Seo Consultant

Lo recomiendo, un buen servicio, muy buena atenciĆ³n, es todo un profesional, fue muy grato trabajar con el. Las cosas resultaron mejor de lo que esperaba.

Zacal Meyda

Jampar Multiplest

Great developer and team leader! Always ready to help and will find great solution out of the box! Very pleased to have worked with him!

Basil Cabrera

ASP.Net Developer


Check out my recent works and have a look at what I do everyday. If you have some custom project or startup ideas, or even crazy ideas, just contact me. We will sure do something about it.


Socket Chat from Scratch


Sql Server User schema


Website for Startup


Android/iOS application for Albanian Post


Android/iOS application for Albanian Post


Android/iOS application for Albanian Post


Android/iOS application for Albanian Post


Android/iOS application for Albanian Post


Website for Faculty of Economy, Tirana

My Blog

This is my blog where my thoughts live. Check it out to know more about me and what I work on everyday.


Simple Post With Image

  • Deni Begaj
  • 14 June 2015
  • 5

My website is still under construction, please be patient.

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Simple Post With Image

  • Deni Begaj
  • 14 June 2015
  • 5

My website is still under construction, please be patient. Thanks

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Simple Post With Image

  • Deni Begaj
  • 14 June 2015
  • 5

My website is still under construction, please be patient. Thanks

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Contact Me

I'm available for freelancing. If you want something to be built or just to say hi, feel free to shoot me a message.

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